Lost vehicle...

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Re: Lost vehicle...

Post by dorankj »

I and my son have high quality drones and find cows often with them, if we can we will help you out. My cell is (206) 619-8822 Ken (I’m also a reprobate who can’t post on the other board)
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Lost vehicle...

Post by pasayten »

I need help or suggestions - Drones, snowmobiles CIA agents?
Post by gdufresne » Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:45 am

I need suggestions or help locating a vehicle.

A little back story

Late night Saturday the 11th a "friend" decided to take my son's car with out permission. Sunday noon this "friend" was still gone and his mother filed a missing person report. He finally showed up Monday morning . . . without the car.

Turns out he went joy riding somewhere in the the hills between Finley Canyon and Benson Creek He lost control and wound up in the vicinity of Wenner Lakes. He must have passed out and awoke with one wheel of the car in water. He broke a window to get out, this would have been very early Sunday and found his way the rental Yurts at Wenner Lakes. He broke into one and slept or passed out until early Monday morning. Made his way down to Benson Creek and to his mother's house near Twisp.

This person however can't remember much before he woke up Monday morning.
He remembers breaking out of the vehicle, climbing up a steep hell and seeing a porch light at the yurts.

He does not remember losing control, wrecking or most importantly right now where the vehicle is. A Google GPS tracing ping put his on the will above Wenner Lakes at one point.

We spent most of Monday covering any roads in that area but found nothing. This accident would have happened just before the snow came on Sunday so tracks were easily covered.

So here's what we think we know.

1. The car came to rest with one wheel at least touching water.
2. The driver broke out of the vehicle, climbed at least a bit and could see a light at the Yurts. He said he "thought" the the Yurts were at about the same level that he was.
3. The vehicle is a 94 Suzuki Side Kick, rusty red

Here's what we think:

1. the vehicle must be in same drainage as Wenner Lakes, though it could be just north which drains into Finley Canyon.
2. We have a small window before there will be too much snow to find anything this year

Actions we've taken.

1. We've driving the roads above the lakes and didn't see anything.
2. So far we've not been able to get access to the are around the lakes and yurts to explore the are from that angle
3. I have someone who suggested he and go up on snow mobiles to look around on this coming Saturday.
4. I just spoke with Mike Port and he's going to go up with his small plane and look around.

So what I'm looking for is suggestions on how I might explore the area around the lakes and nearby drainages. Any ideas are welcome.

Garry Dufresne
Ray Peterson
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