Sudden death

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Re: Sudden death

Post by Rideback »

When you say that there is 'no valid evidence' that sodium fluoride is beneficial I have to think that's because you haven't looked or used Google. ... eneficial/
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Re: Sudden death

Post by woodman »

Although there are many issues that consensus has wrong, I thought I would mention a "public health" measure that was sold to the public in the US, and this practice has been going on for atleast 60 years. I am talking about adding sodium fluoride to municipal water supplies that we are supposed to believe is to help prevent cavities. This ties in with Covid IMO since Covid was never about protecting "public health", but it has been purely political by those who got the thing started. 75% of public water supplies in the US have fluoride added. There are something like just 8 countries worldwide that add fluoride to more than 50% of their public water supplies. There is no valid science supporting sodium fluoride, but it is a way for industry that produces sodium fluoride as a waste by-product to not have to pay to dump it as hazardous waste, but instead these companies have used their propaganda to convince municipalities to actually pay to dump their waste product. I remember reading a book about this subject around 1980. I believe China does not add SF to their water, and they actually sell their SF to the US. You may believe that sodium fluoride is truly a public health measure, so short of recommending that you do some independent research on the subject there is nothing more to say. To me this is a long-standing example of the power of marketing and censorship to support a nefarious agenda. ... y-revealed
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Re: Sudden death

Post by mister_coffee »

I think it is important to also remember all the cases where the consensus is and was correct. And when it was wrong it was usually "at the sixth place of decimals" as Lord Kelvin so pithily put it back in the day.

Newton's laws of motion and gravity are still Good Enough to navigate most spacecraft. And construct and describe cool chaotic orbits within the Earth-Moon system itself.

Quantum field theory is Good Enough to build transistors a few dozen atoms in size.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by Rideback »

The difference between the scientists and the pseudoscientists on you tube is that the scientists are using actual lab & statistical research that is gathered from multiple, often global communities of research. Protocols in place dictate how the research is processed, how it is vetted to be published initially and then each publication is vetted by experts in the scientific field of that topic.

None of that happens with the pseudoscientists who are are making their living off of hawking products on the internet. The you tube Woodman put up is a guy who is a psychologist not a scientist with any background in viruses except what he has taught himself and what he's found will garner enough attention to make him money off his products. None of what he spews on his you tube channel is science, it is instead designed to look informative enough to grab attention and con anyone who watches.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by just-jim »

dorankj wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:45 pm “Consensus, scientific consensus” still doesn’t make truth! How many times has previous ‘truth’ been proven wrong later by ‘new’ science and data. And all people (including your wife!) have biases, blind spots and pre-conceived beliefs that influence their view (they often won’t admit their previous wrong views due to ego)
Yes….’proven wrong later’ is EXACTLY how science does work. It IS truth as we know it - at this instance.

And yes, all people - including scientists - have biases and blind spots and preconceived beliefs. Which is why there are are multiple reviewers, blind to each other (as well as the reviewers and authors being blind to each other). And why all these hundreds of journals, publishing hundreds of thousands of articles per year, exist. As why the numerous scientific meetings, symposia, debates and dialogues repeatedly DO happen. Constant debate and defense of a position works, ultimately.

I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard my wife say:
“we used to think that….”, or
“…our understanding of how this disease..”, or
“…until recently, we didn’t have the ability to see that…”, or
“…for years, xyz showed - and we thought - that 123 was true. But abc has shown that 789 is what is really happening”, or
“…the way we treat XX changed; we saw what m + s + t showed in the course of brilliant work over the last few years”, or
“…we abandoned that protocol/diagnosis/treatment, based on what so-and-so showed….”

It is CONSTANT evolution and change. Otherwise we’d be stuck somewhere in the dark ages….back when superstition, bull***, magic, trial-by-fire and the Catholic church ruled our beliefs.

And yes, she has admitted, repeatedly, that she was wrong about things she did - or thought - in the past. Admitting that is part of being an adult and a scholar. Unfortunately, neither she, nor any scientist, owns that magic ‘see-back-ro-scope’ that allows them to go back and amend or change the past, like you imagine.

You really don’t understand even the basics of science, do you?
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Re: Sudden death

Post by woodman »

We are in a war. They are right in our faces. If you apply common sense you may realize that if their science was settled people like Fauci would welcome debates on the subject and all these "grifters" would go away. These companies are comfortable in the knowledge that they have captured the public imagination, so they don't have to debate. they know that if they do then they will lose credibility. They don't really have to prove anything because they already have you indoctrinated...

Stew Peters is controlled opposition IMO. They conflate other controversial issues such as climate change to confuse a viewer and really ends up causing people like just-jim to be skeptical of the issue presented in the film.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by dorankj »

“Consensus, scientific consensus” still doesn’t make truth! How many times has previous ‘truth’ been proven wrong later by ‘new’ science and data. And all people (including your wife!) have biases, blind spots and pre-conceived beliefs that influence their view (they often won’t admit their previous wrong views due to ego)
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Re: Sudden death

Post by just-jim »

You are conflating and confusing what ‘consensus’, ‘scientific consensus’ and what the scientific process is and isn’t. I’m not a science type, but come from a family of scientists. And I have several family members who publish, regularly, in the scientific press. I do understand the process.

My wife - author of maybe a hundred of more of such articles, and a couple of books, in her medical field - teaches and lectures widely on her speciality. She also serves as a reviewer for several science publications. So, yes, she ‘censors’ some articles. In fact she might reject more than she approves. However, she doesn’t turn them down for publication because she doesn’t like their conclusions. She turns thumbs down on them because they had poor experimental design, employed bad methods, did a bad (or even deliberately awful) job of statistical analysis, did an inadequate job of literature review, had logical flaws in their writing, tried to claim conclusions not supported by results …..and on and on and on….

The bar for getting your claims/theory into a true scientific publication is very high - deliberately! Specious b.s. of the kind you are fond of, Brad, doesn’t even begin to make the cut. Do yourself a favor and spend some time in real science - you obviously have an interest in it. Get out of toilet of the internet…bitchute, et al.

Reading crap that has been rejected by 90% of knowledgeable peers is a waste of time. It hadn’t been censored….it simply didn’t make the grade, for a reason. There aren’t mysterious ‘big-pharma’, ‘big-anything’ or deep state actors at work. Just dedicated people, like my spouse, who continue to separate the true from not true.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by mister_coffee »

Arguing that because people made a mistake about the cause of scurvy a century or more ago that vaccines do not work is not scientific reasoning, or any kind of reasoning at all.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by Rideback »

Science is a process and those that practice it adhere to scientific protocols that lead to determinations based on evidence at hand. Conflating medical opinions about scurvy from hundreds of years ago to modern science doesn't give your argument any credibility. And the link is the debunked site ... es-reality
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Re: Sudden death

Post by woodman »

I realize that I am in profound disagreement with the consensus opinions of the people that visit this BB, and for that matter perhaps my understanding differs profoundly from 90% of the people throughout the US. but consensus does not prove scientific rigor has been done. They used to believe that scurvy was spread by an infectious agent, but they discovered the cause was a nutritional deficiency. The experts in this video are also in profound disagreement, but they have been censored. By now you can appreciate the power of censorship I hope... ... Ec2n404vpc
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Re: Sudden death

Post by just-jim »

I long ago stopped reading Brads ignorant, unscientific, illogical, made up drivel…aka as bull***, on this BB and elsewhere.
‘DDT causes polio’ told me all I needed to know. Again.

(nice try on linking me to opioids, though - an especially great leap of fantasy. Your tin foil hat has a tear in it, I suspect.)
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Re: Sudden death

Post by mister_coffee »

You know it isn't at all that simple.

If you start with three hundred million people, you can find impressive numbers of damned near anything without looking very hard. In fact, because of the curious ways randomness plays out in large populations, you will always find impressive numbers of very bizarre things.

It is easy to show from the numbers that the risk of dying from COVID or having long-term health effects from COVID in any population (except possibly the very young) is quite a bit higher than the parallel risks of dying from a vaccine reaction or having a long-term health impact from the vaccine. It is hard to be precise because the vaccine reactions are very rare in comparison with the hundreds of millions of doses people have taken, but probably a safe upper bound is that your odds of dying from a vaccine reaction are on the order of 1000 to 10000 times lower than dying of a COVID infection.

What I'd love to know is the rate of the same observed vaccine side-effects in a population that was unvaccinated and uninfected. That population is now impossible to find but without having those numbers to compare side-by-side you are shooting in the dark.

Also, you need to keep in mind that the United States Supreme Court has made it very clear that when the government wants us to get a vaccine, we don't have a choice.

And recall that people with tuberculosis must wear a mask in public and undergo treatment, or they go to jail.

Keep in mind that by choosing not to get a vaccine, you make it more likely that when you are inevitably infected, you will pass the virus on to others (the actively infectious period is much shorter in vaccinated folks). That means more disease is passed around, more people die, new variants emerge that evade the vaccine and I have to go back to Ulrich's to get another shot.

We are not ethereal beings of pure thought. We are squishy slimy biological creatures. There are more bacterial cells in you than human cells. There are many orders of magnitude more virus particles in you than human cells. We pass that foreign stuff around between us all the time, so sometimes (like when a novel virus emerges) we need to be extra careful and considerate of others.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by Jingles »

Vaxxer's Anti vaxxer' matters not what I found interesting was the shere number of those that did have the vax even in young adults that died suddenly and were found to have unusual blood clots. No I did not get the vaccine for covid any more than I got the vaccine for polio but that is was due to having developed natural immunity from having polio,YES I AM A POLIO SURVIVOR the same as I believe I will be be a covid survivor without getting the jab. I DO NOT TELL ANYONEwhether they should or should not get 5he jab that is THEIR personnal choice so I do not need anyone telling me I have to get it or else and your Chemtrails are CONTRAILS BIG DIFFERENCE,unless you are a conspiracy therorist believing the BS about spraying chemicals
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Re: Sudden death

Post by mister_coffee »

Funny how the anti vaxxers all argue that others must die for their beliefs. Though sometimes they die too, which I think of as evolution in action.

Again, how many people do you boneheads have to kill before you perhaps, just perhaps, reconsider your viewpoint? And why do we need to expend any emotional effort on such idiots?

I'd be all for aerial spraying of vaccines.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by PAL »

Oh no no, don't want to be triggered. One must not be counter productive. Brad don't tell me to get emotional or not be emotional. I was stating the facts about the video. And what I know about polio.
You tell your mumbo jumbo to the people that died from it and Covid. Or those who have side affects from both diseases.
Rideback, Brad doesn't believe in viruses.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by Rideback »

You probably need to double check your chronology of polio before you associate it with DDT. It is a virus. ... the%20body).

From Quora:
'Polio is caused by a virus and that has been shown scientifically and proven through wide scale studies of vaccinations.

The fact that DDT was developed around the time that folks first started recording polio outbreaks is correlation but not cause. I lived in a house that was built about the same time…..did the construction of that house cause polio? I think not.

Looking at things from the opposite end of the time line, the timing for the decline of Polio in the U.S. does not match the phase out of the usage of DDT. Polio declined drastically after the vaccination programs of the late 1950s. DDT usage did not begin to decline until a decade later.

DDT poisoning causes vomiting, tremors, seizures and shaking. It takes a lot of DDT to get to that point, though. During WWII hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were treated with DDT (usually a powder applied to the head, armpits and genitals to prevent lice and typhus transmission). Adverse reactions were extremely rare not only for those treated but also for those doing the treating who probably had the greatest exposure because they often used giant powder puffs dipped into barrels of the stuff as an application technique.
The symptoms of polio are fever, sore throat, fatigue, headache, vomiting, soreness or weakness in the back, neck or extremities. The only symptom that matches is vomiting.

Polio - Symptoms and causes
Overview Polio is a contagious viral illness that in its most severe form causes nerve injury leading to paralysis, difficulty breathing and sometimes death. In the U.S., the last case of naturally occurring polio was in 1979. Today, despite a worldwide effort to wipe out polio, poliovirus continues to affect children and adults in parts of Asia and Africa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises taking precautions to protect yourself from polio if you're traveling anywhere there's a risk of polio. Adults who have been vaccinated who plan to travel to an area where polio is occurring should receive a booster dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV). Immunity after a booster lasts a lifetime. Symptoms Nerve cells Open pop-up dialog box Close Nerve cells Nerve cells The basic unit of communication in the nervous system is the nerve cell (neuron). Each nerve cell consists of the cell body, a major branching fiber (axon) and numerous smaller branching fibers (dendrites). Although polio can cause paralysis and death, the majority of people who are infected with the virus don't get sick and aren't aware they've been infected. Nonparalytic polio Some people who develop symptoms from the poliovirus contract a type of polio that doesn't lead to paralysis (abortive polio). This usually causes the same mild, flu-like signs and symptoms typical of other viral illnesses. Signs and symptoms, which can last up to 10 days, include: Fever Sore throat Headache Vomiting Fatigue Back pain or stiffness Neck pain or stiffness Pain or stiffness in the arms or legs Muscle weakness or tenderness Paralytic syndrome This most serious form of the disease is rare. Initial signs and symptoms of paralytic polio, such as fever and headache, often mimic those of nonparalytic polio. Within a week, however, other signs and symptoms appear, including: Loss of reflexes Severe muscle aches or weakness Loose and floppy limbs (flaccid paralysis) Post-polio syndrome Post-polio syndrome is a cluster of disabling signs and symptoms that affect some people years after having polio. Common signs and symptoms include: Progressive muscle or joint weakness and pain Fatigue Muscle wasting (atrophy) Breathing or swallowing problems Sleep-related breathing disorders, such as sleep apnea Decreased tolerance of cold temperatures When to see a doctor Check with your doctor for polio vaccination recommendations before traveling to a part of the world where polio still occurs naturally or where oral polio vaccine (OPV) is used, such as Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Additionally, call your doctor if: Your child hasn't completed the vaccine series Your child has an allergic reaction to the polio vaccine Your child has problems other than a mild redness or soreness at the vaccine injection site You had polio years ago and are now having unexplained weakness and fatigue Causes Poliovirus can be transmitted through direct contact with someone infected with the virus o ... c-20376512
So the answer is no.'
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Re: Sudden death

Post by woodman »

PAL wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:19 am Right, just like the polio vax was not a save all,right? Right. Looks like Stew is quite the capitalist. He knows how to sell product.
I can't get the video open, so yes, it must have been censored.
I'm glad I got the vaccine. I'm as healthy as can be right now. It will keep me from getting hospitalilzed or really ill, I believe. The stats on those that have not had the vaccine shows they are worse off when getting the Covid virus. More die.
I'm glad I got the polio vaccine too. It had it's naysayers.
No reason to be emotional here, or to allow oneself to be triggered since that would be counter-productive. All I know is that poliomyelitis is actually a description of symptoms characterized by neuromuscular disease. In the beginning when it was recognized in the scientific/medical literature there was no association made with a "virus" so from my point of view to refer to polio as a "virus" is unscientific, and it appears the biggest contributor to symptoms described as poliomyelitis was the use of DDT. If the origins of polio are not caused by a "virus" then you would not expect a vaccine to address the real issue. That's just my 2 cents worth... ... AJrTUogJ3Q
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Re: Sudden death

Post by woodman »

just-jim wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 12:44 pm A push for an antivax movie on a for profit website that also hawks ‘protection from chem-trails’….tells me everything I need to know.
A push for a provaxx narrative like the world has never seen before by "health agencies" worldwide in lock step manipulated by multinational corporations run by known felons should have told you everything you need to know. How many people died from vioxx??? They knew, but they did nothing. Some estimates are that over a 5 year period 500,000 people died from this one prescription drug. That was just the cost of doing business. After paying $5B in damages, they still made a profit!

If you read the local newspaper, Wa. state will receive $215M for their share in a settlement reached against 3 drug companies for the opioid problem. They are apparently your friends...
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Re: Sudden death

Post by just-jim »

A push for an antivax movie on a for profit website that also hawks ‘protection from chem-trails’….tells me everything I need to know.
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Re: Sudden death

Post by mister_coffee »

Best estimate is that 300,000 people have died in the US who would have otherwise survived if they had been vaccinated since the vaccines became widely available.

Total US losses in the ETO in WWII were around 292,000.

You anti-vaxxers must be so proud of yourselves.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Sudden death

Post by PAL »

Right, just like the polio vax was not a save all,right? Right. Looks like Stew is quite the capitalist. He knows how to sell product.
I can't get the video open, so yes, it must have been censored.
I'm glad I got the vaccine. I'm as healthy as can be right now. It will keep me from getting hospitalilzed or really ill, I believe. The stats on those that have not had the vaccine shows they are worse off when getting the Covid virus. More die.
I'm glad I got the polio vaccine too. It had it's naysayers.
Pearl Cherrington
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Sudden death

Post by Jingles »

Do not watch if you have a weak stomach or are one that feels the Vax is a save all ... denly.html
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